See Lab Garden
The See Lab Garden is a collaborative effort by dedicated members from the
See Lab community to turn a tiled schoolyard — a desert in terms of biodiversity — into a cohabitational area for plants, animals and art. The garden lies in the center of the
heat island known as Scheveningen, a densely populated area with little space for flora and fauna. Taking our environmental responsibilty, both towards the planet and our own neighbourhoord, we removed approximately 2500 tiles. The soil that was released from its concrete burden was partly sown with seeds of our choice, and partly left open to whatever felt like growing in this particular area, allowing for time and serendipity to become integral ingredients of this living artwork.
With the See Lab Garden we wish to create a playground for artists, one where plants have a chance to thrive, while sculptorists, poets, botanists and the like have the ability to grow and create their own pigments, experiment with medicinal plants, showcase their work, read a book and interact with community members in a dynamic and ever changing setting. Elements of the garden become artworks and artworks become elements of the garden.
See Lab Garden Instagram page